Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sort of after the fact but this is a real tearjerker!

If you know our family you know Colby has been dating Jim since February 2007. They are pretty close and spent lots of the last couple of months together. I asked him one day if he thought they should quit being together so much before he leaves so it wouldn't hard for them and he said no, they were going cold turkey. It was more like a bawling, really sad, cold turkey! He went into the MTC on October 15th and these photos are from October 14th. He left our house to get set apart for his mission and his family left for Provo after that. There were two really sad kids here when that all happened! It was even really sad for me. The good new is that he loves the MTC and is loving learning the Spanish language. Jusy thought you might like to know.....


royce and aubree said...

oh those pictures are so sad they make me want to cry!! hang in there colb it will go by fast!! they are just so cute together!! we miss you guys!!

kim said...

yessirree! those are some sad photos BUT we wouldn't want it any other way!! Way to go Jim and hang in there Colby! WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!Look! more than two weeks already gone!

MOLLY said...

congrats on the upcoming event brittany, im so excited for you! and ps, colby, sorry to hear about your man leaving, but yay that life is progressing and you're a step closer to him getting home!

Anonymous said...

tearjerker is RIGHT! They are quite the couple :) Colby needs to make a trip to Boise to hang out with Tuck and I!

Rae Jean said...

Just thought that you would want to know, that we got a letter from Jim! It was fun to get! Good luck Colby!