Monday, September 28, 2009

Finally, the Secret is Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My granddaughters love Miley Cyrus, not just kind of love her but totally love her so many weeks ago I bought tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert for my three oldest granddaughters and myself. Since then I have been sending anonymous postcards to them with little bits of information about the coming event, for a long time they had no idea where the postcards were coming from and finally figured that out last week. Well, the concert is tomorrow, and this is a video of my blondie granddaughters getting the final postcard in the mail today telling them who the concert is. They were pretty excited. Their parents are bringing them to SLC tomorrow for the fun. Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Jim and Katie said...

You are the coolest grandma! How fun for you all :)