We did much shopping while there, got new Easter dresses and baby clothes for Kimber and Meredith's new little baby that will be here any day. Brittany cooked us good food and we spent a little time at the beach. The water was not warm but it was fun to just hang around and lay in the sun. Sadly Patrick ended up having to work lots while we were there so we didn't get to see much of him.
The beach was nice. I went one day by myself and had a good old laying out, sunning day. I did give myself a bit of a scare though. I had some crackers I thought I would share with the birds so I threw out a few crumbs and instantly I was surrounded by flocks of seagulls and pigeons. Those birds were not nice. They just kept getting closer and closer to me and all I could imagine was the Alfred Hitchcock's movie, The Birds, hoping I was going to get off the beach alive.
We had a fun visit with Royce and AubRee and loved seeing them and the kids. Grace has her ears pierced now and Kruz has grown so much!!! He kept doing this really funny laugh down in his throat and cracking us all up. We did some bowling with them and Grace was quite a bowler. A few times Royce had to bowl a ball down the lane to hit her ball into the pins because her ball was going pretty slow.
It was Easter Sunday the day after we got home so Jim came up and Colby and Jim stayed at our house for Easter. Here they are after church. We walk through the Salt Lake temple grounds to and from church and right now the flowers are amazing. You can see a few of them in this picture.
I must thank Jimmey for letting me steal Colby and Kimber away for a week. I am sure it was quite a quiet week for him. Thanks to Brittany and Patrick for blowing up their gigantically large mattress so Colby and I had somewhere to sleep and for taking good care of us while we were there. Thanks to Royce and AubRee for arranging their schedule so we could spend some time with them. And thanks to Russell for letting us take his car on our trip and for financing some of our trip. Thanks to my dad who started long ago buying my sisters and I Easter dresses, a tradition I feel really good about carrying on....and thanks to the Lord for our safe travels to and from California.