We just returned from a great week in Bear Lake with all our kids and grand kids. It was really a fun time and so so good to be all together. Thanks so much to each one of our kids who arranged schedules so they could be there with us.
Christmas Eve, after opening the 12th day of Christmas gift which was PJs for everyone. |
Here is Blake, Lindsey, Caleb, Spencer and Ethan, all the way from Washington. |
Jim and Colby, with little baby Kimber who should be here in a month. |
This is Wes, Meredith, Saria, Easton and tiny little Sadie. |
H |
Here is Eric, Chandra, Ali and Myah, |
Our newlyweds, Brittany and Patrick. |
And Royce, AubRee, Grace and Kruz. |
We had lots of stockings for Santa to fill, |
and many gifts to share. Santa brought lots of fun stuff for all. |
We ate some really large pizzas, |
and had lots of fun doing it.
Sledding was part of the fun and sadly, the very first day little Grace got quite an ouchie on her cheek and chin.
Patrick and Jim decided to try sledding without a tube or saucer. They went down the hill with just these garbage bags on, on their bellys, face first. They are crazy!!!
Hope you all had a great holiday season!