I think our parents are perfect examples of our church's "Proclamation on the Family", and if we can do as they have done we can be examples also. I am thankful my mom spent her life at home caring for our really large family, for the things I learned from her, sewing skills, cooking skills, homemaking skills, as well as lessons in obedience and example just to name a few. There were probably times she wanted to run away from home and get away from all that responsibility but she has always been there for us. I am thankful for a father who put our family first and went to work everyday to provide for us so we would have the things we needed as we grew up and even after we left home. He has always been full of fun, and willing to share all he had with others. That is one of the best things I have learned from him. Thanks to both of these wonderful people.
Because of their sacrifices I was able to grow up in a home where I felt safe, loved and needed. In today's society that is not found as often as it should be and I thank my parents for putting our needs first, so often before their own. Love to you both.