Okay, July has been the out of town, company coming, house cleaning, driving all over tarnation months. (it was a fun though) Now I am happy to say I am in the staying at home, cleaning house, taking care of everything to get ready to go back to school month. July was so fun, it was fun get to see so many dear family members. We had the Munson family reunion which was so great. I just love all those dear aunts and uncles of mine!!!! and cousins. It was so fun to see them for a few days. Brittany and Colby were able to go the reunion with me and they had a blast. It was a great time for each of us.
We also had the Barney family reunion here at our house and had a good time having Russell's family here for a few days. We were able to go see the Bar J Wranglers, a absolute favorite and just let me tell you, Brittany and Colby and Jim were laughing their heads off. Those wranglers are pretty entertaining. We went to Yellowstone also and then had a bbq here for those that were here already and a few more that drove over for dinner. It was fun having them here seeing everyone growing up.
Last week I was at education week at BYUI and an alumni ambassador training meeting in Rexburg. In case you don't know I love that place and had a great time while there. It was a good time because I got to learn about all the construction that is going on and all the changes that have and will be happening at that great school. Colby has decided to attend there in January so that is exciting.
Jimmey my love, (well actually Colby's love) got his mission call last week. He will be serving in the Texas McAllen mission, spanish speaking. He reports to the MCT on October 15th. That is pretty exciting for him!
We were able to see Royce and AubRee on Saturday in Idaho Falls. They were there attending a wedding for one of AubRee's cousins. They will be moving to California this weekend and are excited and nervous about that. Back to school they go after working in Washigton state all summer. Good luck to them!
So that pretty much raps up what has been going on here for the last few weeks. Now...I will add a few photos to compliment this fine blog.